- 皆さまへのお願い -
- 咳エチケットと手洗いうがいをお願いします。
- イベント開始前の体調の管理にお気を付けください。
- ご入場の際に非接触体温計にて体温の確認をさせていただきます。
- ご来場時の検温で37.5°C以上の発熱が確認された方や、発熱、咳、下痢、だるさ、味覚障害、嗅覚障害等、体調に異変がある方は、ご入場をお断りさせていただきます。
- 消毒液ボトルの設置を致しますのでご利用下さい。
- 会場内ではマスクの着用を推奨します。特にHUT内では必ずマスクを着用しましょう。
- 会場の殆どは野外なので、対人距離が確保出来ていると確認ができたら、熱中症予防のためマスクは外してもらって構いません。
- 大きな声で喋ったり、笑ったりするのは避けましょう。
- お酒の回し飲みは、避けましょう。
- 野外だからと言って油断しないようにしましょう。
- To our valued customers: Request for cooperation in measures against COVID-19. -
- Please wash your hands or mouth and following “cough etiquette” including wear a mask.
- Please take care of yourself before the event starts.
- Temperature checks with a remote thermometer are being carried out
- We reserve the right to refuse entering of the person who have a fever higher than 37.5 degree by the temperature measurement at the time of visiting, or those who are in poor physical condition such as fever, cough, diarrhea, dullness, dysgeusia, olfactory disorder, etc.
- Hand sanitizer is available in the grounds. We highly recommend practicing proper hand sanitization at all times.
- Please make sure to wear a mask when you are inside, especially in the HUT.
- As most of the venues are outside, you can remove a mask when you are outside and you can confirm that the interpersonal distance is secured.
- Please avoid speak or laugh in loud voice.
- Please avoid drinking from a cup that is passed around.
Relaxing in nature will be able to boost your immunizing power, so take preventive measures and play as hard as you can!